Recognising that one of the key barriers to purchasing Mexican meal kits is positioning in-store, we created ‘Fresh Mexican’ – a fresh concept which focused on combining fresh ingredients with Old El Paso products to create tasty, authentic Mexican food with dual siting opportunities disrupting the shopper journey in store.
With the key objective of increasing visibility of Old El Paso at the front of store, in the fresh produce aisle, the campaign sought to ensure that ‘Fresh Mexican’ was on the shopper’s agenda at the start of their in-store journey. Driving impulse purchase and increased basket size were key measures.
The solution, a creative toolkit, showcasing how ‘Fresh Mexican’ could look when launched across UK, European and Australian markets. With no above-the-line creative, producing the overall look and feel was led by Savvy. The creative opted for colourful, impactful creative with a strong focus on fresh ingredients.

A comprehensive shopper journey was considered for each market, from which a suite of POS tools were created and mocked up into cinema 4D environments, to bring the creative to life.
Taking a connected shopper approach, the shopper toolkit included awareness, consideration and conversion touchpoints coupled with a strategic rationale on how each touchpoint should be used in each market. This included opportunities to drive visibility in categories outside of world foods and dual siting with fresh produce and protein.
Full guidelines on how the creative should be used when rolled out, as well as a detailed presentation guide, outlining how the concept should be sold into the markets to maximise investment opportunities were also created.